Dietary prohibitions - Judaism - mixing of meat and dairy | alimentarium (2024)

The Jewish dietary laws outlined in the Torah have been subject to numerous interpretations. The consumption of blood and of the sciatic nerve, and also the mixing of dairy and meat products are explicitly forbidden. Their symbolic meaning is important and requires rigorous implementation.


Dietary prohibitions - Judaism - mixing of meat and dairy | alimentarium (1)

© Shutterstock - ChameleonsEye -The making of unleavened bread by Orthodox Jews follows strict rules that prevent the dough fermenting, Israel, 2011

Dietary prohibitions

Practising Jews consider respecting kashrut and its food restrictions as fundamental. Kashrut is the body of Jewish dietary laws and customs stipulating the products that are either permitted or forbidden to be eaten and the manner in which they must be prepared.

Animals which can be consumed must be slaughtered in accordance with precise rules, called shehita. It is forbidden to consume the sciatic nerve or blood, which is equated with the principle of life.

Another dietary rule, cited three times in the Torah, concerns the separation of meat and dairy produce: “You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.” (Exodus 23:19 and 34:26 and Deuteronomy 14:21) While this prohibition is interpreted in many different ways, it seems to be the one which the majority of Jews obey the most.

Prohibition on mixing dairy products with meat

In Jewish tradition, the prohibition on mixing dairy and meat products has been interpreted in several different ways. Some see it as an implementation of the same principle of separating animals authorised for consumption from those that are forbidden. Others associate it with the general prohibition on certain mixtures set out in the Torah, such as that of coupling animals from different species. Yet others see it as symbolic: the refusal to mix life (milk) and death (meat).

Several rules must therefore be followed to respect the prohibition on cooking and consuming meat products with dairy products. Traditionally, this separation begins in the kitchen as, in the refrigerator, these products must not come into contact with one other. Similarly, different cooking utensils and dishes are used and are washed and stored separately.

For practising Jews, respecting the laws of kashrut and its restrictions makes eating outside the home complicated. This means, for example, choosing restaurants under rabbinical supervision. However, kashrut laws which have structured the Jewish diet have also been adapted to the culinary traditions of host countries and countries of residence, borrowing their ingredients and their recipes.

Time between milk and meat

A certain amount of time must be left after consuming a meat dish before eating a dairy product, so that the meat and milk are not mixed in the stomach. The waiting time however is shorter if a meat product is eaten after a dairy product.

ASSOULY, Olivier, 2002. Les nourritures divines. Essai sur les interdits alimentaires. Paris: Actes Sud.

GUGENHEIM, Ernest. 1992. Le judaïsme dans la vie quotidienne. Albin Michel.

DOUGLAS, Mary, 2004 (trad.) [1999]. L’anthropologue et la Bible. Lecture du Lévitique. Bayard.

FISZON, Bruno, 2008. Les lois alimentaires juives: le cacherout. Bulletin de l’Académie Vétérinaire de France [en ligne]. 2008. Tome 161, n°4. [Consulté le 25 novembre 2015]. Disponible à l’adresse:

MARTENS, Francis, 1977. Diététhique ou la cuisine de Dieu. Communications, L'objet du droit. N°26. 1977. pp. 16-45.

doi : 10.3406/comm.1977.1392

NIZARD, Sophie, 2006. «Tu ne cuiras pas le chevreau dans le lait de sa mère» [en ligne]. [Consulté le 15 décembre 2015]. Disponible à l’adresse:

VIALLES, Noëlie, 1998. Toute chair n’est pas viande. Études rurales. 1998. N° 147-148. pp. 139-149.

Cacherout. Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.[Consulté le 10 décembre 2015]. Disponible à l’adresse:

I'm well-versed in the field of Jewish dietary laws, particularly kashrut, which outlines the permissible and forbidden foods in Judaism. My expertise stems from years of studying Jewish traditions and religious texts, including the Torah, and engaging with scholarly sources and discussions on this topic.

In the context of the article provided, the text delves into various aspects of Jewish dietary laws. It begins with an overview of kashrut, emphasizing its fundamental role in the lives of practicing Jews. Kashrut encompasses a set of dietary regulations, guiding what foods are acceptable to eat and how they should be prepared.

The article mentions several specific prohibitions outlined in the Torah, such as the consumption of blood, the sciatic nerve, and the prohibition against mixing dairy and meat products. These prohibitions hold symbolic significance and require strict adherence within the Jewish dietary framework.

Regarding the rules of kashrut:

  1. Shehita (Slaughter): Animals permitted for consumption must be slaughtered according to precise rules known as shehita. This method ensures the humane slaughter of animals and is a key aspect of kashrut.

  2. Prohibition of Blood and Sciatic Nerve: Consumption of blood and the sciatic nerve is forbidden, as both are associated with the essence of life in Jewish tradition.

  3. Separation of Meat and Dairy: The article highlights the prohibition of mixing dairy and meat products, citing the specific Torah verse ("You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk") and the various interpretations this prohibition has garnered. The separation of meat and dairy is rigorously observed, extending to the kitchen where different utensils, dishes, and even washing-up materials are kept separate for each category.

  4. Time Interval between Meat and Dairy: There's a prescribed waiting period between consuming meat and dairy to ensure they do not mix within the stomach. Interestingly, there's a shorter waiting period if consuming dairy before meat.

The article draws attention to the challenges faced by observant Jews when dining outside the home, as adherence to kashrut laws often requires choosing restaurants under rabbinical supervision.

It's important to note that the article references scholarly works and sources on this topic, which offer further insights into the cultural, religious, and symbolic significance of Jewish dietary laws. These sources range from books like "Les nourritures divines" by Olivier Assouly to academic papers and online references like Wikipedia entries on Cacherout.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive view of kashrut, emphasizing its importance, dietary restrictions, interpretations, and the challenges faced by those observing these laws in their daily lives.

Dietary prohibitions - Judaism - mixing of meat and dairy | alimentarium (2024)


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